This information is specific to Poland, as your app locates you there. To view the policy for another country, visit our Help Centre in your browser.
The price displayed in the application is an approximate value to give you an idea of the final cost. It will be determined based on the type of selected vehicle (metered rate* or fixed rate**), destination, duration of the trip, road conditions, and market demand.
You can always find tariff details in the menu of the selected vehicle, and a full breakdown of fees will also be provided on the invoice that you will receive by email after the trip.
If you decide to change the destination, you can do so directly from the application, and the fee will be recalculated, taking into account the journey already made.
Remember that FREENOW may charge additional fees.
*Metered Rate
- Taxi > The taxi meter calculates the fare. City authorities set the price per kilometre and additional fees according to zones and tariffs.
The actual fare depends on the following factors:
- chosen route
- traffic jams
- nighttime or holiday trips
- trips outside urban areas
- additional charges for special services
Applied surcharges:
- Night or holiday tariff - usually 150% of the base rate
- Out-of-town trip - usually double the city rate
- Combination - 10 PLN, courier service - 10 PLN
**Fixed Rate
- Ride with a guaranteed price > Rides with LITE, Eco, Comfort, Premium, and Taxi XL services. The temporary stop fee is equal to the ride price.
If you choose a ride option with a guaranteed price such as LITE, the application will show you the current ride price. LITE ride prices are calculated using an algorithm and are very dynamic. The calculation involves many factors, including supply and demand for the service. The ride price on the same route may differ from the amount calculated by the application on another day.