This information is specific to Germany, as your app locates you there. To view the policy for another country, visit our Help Center in your browser.
This fee is charged to compensate the driver for their time and resources.
-TAXI: The fee varies depending on the city and is based on local tariff regulations. For more information, please refer to our Fee Policy.
-RIDE (PHV): In all cities where FREENOW is available, a flat fee of €5 is charged.
A cancellation fee may be charged, whether the passenger or the driver cancels:
If the passenger cancels
- The estimated time of arrival must be at least 5 minutes AND
- You cancel 5 minutes after a driver has been assigned and the driver has traveled more than 750 meters to the pickup location OR
- You cancel when the driver is already waiting for you at your pickup location
If the driver cancels
- The estimated time of arrival must be at least 5 minutes AND
- The driver has driven at least 5 minutes (or has traveled at least 750 meters) before arriving at your pickup location, and has canceled after a 5-minute wait
If you believe a cancellation fee has been charged, please contact us.