This information is specific to Germany, as your app locates you there. To view the policy for another country, visit our Help Centre in your browser.
The price displayed in the app is an approximate value to give you an idea of the final cost. This depends on the type of vehicle selected (tariff or fixed price), the final destination, the duration, the time of your journey, traffic conditions, and market demand.
You will always find the fare details in the menu of the selected vehicle, and you will also find a full breakdown of the costs on the invoice you receive by email after completing your trip.
If you decide to change your destination, you can do so directly in the app, and the fare will be recalculated taking into account the distance already traveled.
Please note that FREENOW may charge additional fees.
- Taxi > The taximeter calculates the fare according to the local fare regulations.
- In Munich and Berlin, the taxi fare regulations allow a binding price to be set before the journey. This is calculated based on the route to be traveled and considering the official regulations on permitted deviations.
**Fixed Price
- Ride (Private Car) > Prices for rides are offered in advance. The price you see when booking the ride is the price you will pay. The fare is calculated as follows: Base Price + €0.90/km + €0.38 per minute.
The price is based on your estimated distance and any surcharges that may be applied during high demand. The final price may vary slightly if:
- you have to pay a waiting fee
- your trip takes significantly longer than originally assumed
- you have changed your destination and the distance is longer than the original pickup location (you will always be prompted to confirm the new rate before changing your destination)
For more information, please refer to our Fee Policy.