This information is specific to Italy, as your app locates you there. To view the policy for another country, visit our Help Centre in your browser.
Taxi fares are defined by the local government and are available in the taxi tariffs of each city.
The price shown in the app is an approximate value and provides an estimate of the final cost. The final price of a ride is calculated using a taximeter and depends on various factors, including the final destination, the duration of the ride, the time of the ride, the traffic, any applicable surcharges (e.g.‘luggage surcharges’ ), predetermined fares.
In Rome, the Taxi Go travel option is available in the app, with a guaranteed maximum fare.
The final cost of the rides is always indicated in the ‘Rides’ section of the app and in the receipt, which is emailed to you at the end of the ride.
NOTE: FREENOW may apply additional costs such as the ‘Intermediation Fee’.
Fare types
- Metered: price defined according to distance travelled and duration of the ride and additional surcharges, if applicable. When a taxi is requested via app or other services, the meter is turned on at the time of the request, because on the way to the passenger's starting point the taxi is already occupied. In the case of advance bookings, where there are no specific indications about this in the taxi fare schedule, the taxi driver can turn on the meter 10 minutes before the scheduled time, because the vehicle is busy and on its way to the starting point.The arrival cost is the fixed departure cost plus the cost calculated by the meter on the way to the starting point.
- Taxi Go: guaranteed maximum price
As you can check from the Taxi Tariff of the Municipality of Rome, the taxi driver may apply to the taximeter fare, in addition to any tolls
€1.00 for each piece of luggage following the first (free of charge) with dimensions greater than 35x25x50 cm
€5.00 for each passenger from the fifth passenger onwards.
Milan and Monza
Taxi regulations in the municipalities of Milan and Monza do not provide for surcharges. Tolls are charged to the user.
As you can see from the Taxi Tariff of the Municipality of Naples, the taxi fare is doubled for extra-urban destinations. In addition, the taxi driver may apply to the taximeter fare, in addition to any tolls:
€1.70 call charge
€0.50 for each piece of luggage, if any
€5.00 for each passenger over four or in the case of a 7 to 9-seater vehicle (per vehicle)
As you can check from the Taxi Tariff of the Municipality of Turin, the taxi driver can apply various surcharges to the taxi fare, in addition to any tolls:
€2.50 night-time (from 10pm to 6am)
€1.50 holiday (from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
€0.50 baggage (for each item larger than
€1.00 and insertion of the meter three minutes before the time
of agreed booking
€3.50 for the fifth passenger
€1.00for sixth passenger and above
€6.00 fixed airport surcharge for departures from the airport to the
municipalities of: Caselle, S. Francesco al Campo, S. Maurizio Canavese
As you can see from the Taxi Tariff of the Municipality of Catania, the taxi driver can apply various surcharges to the taxi fare, in addition to any tolls:
€4.00 for night and holiday service (from 10pm to 7am)
€3.00 for night service
€2.00 per fixed charge on public holidays and Sundays
€1.00 per piece of luggage
€3.00 for outlying districts
(S. G. Galermo - Monte Pò - Villaggio S. Agata - S. Giorgio Pigno - Librino - Nesima Superiore)
€6.00 for Airport and Industrial Zone right
€1.00 per radio taxi call and/or column
Fares for extra-urban destinations are established by agreement between the driver and the passenger.
As you can check from the Taxi Tariff of the Municipality of Cagliari, the taxi driver can apply various surcharges to the taxi fare, in addition to any tolls:
€3 festive
€3 night-time (from 22:00 to 07:00)
€2 for each passenger over three
€0.50 for each piece of luggage after the first one free of charge (the first piece of luggage is free of charge if its weight does not exceed 10kg)
€2 animals (transport of animals is at the discretion of the taxi driver)
As you can check from the Taxi Tariff of the Municipality of Modena, the taxi driver can apply to the taxi fare
€0.50 per piece of luggage
Reggio Emilia
As you can check from the Taxi fare book of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, the taxi driver can apply various surcharges to the taximeter fare, in addition to any tolls:
CALL: €1.50 daytime, €1.80 holiday, €2.30 nighttime (from 22:00 to 06:00)
€0.50 return with customer per km (to be applied in case the customer returns to the city)
€0.30 per piece of luggage not placed in the passenger compartment (max. 5 pieces of luggage)
€1.00 call reservation per car
€1.00 for each passenger over four
As you can check from the Taxi Tariff of the Municipality of Bologna, the taxi driver may apply to the taxi fare, in addition to any tolls
€0.50 per piece of luggage
€1 from the fifth passenger onwards
As you can see from the Taxi Tariff of the Municipality of Palermo, the taxi driver can apply to the taximeter fare, in addition to any tolls:
€2.30 nightly
€1.90 festive
€0.38 per piece of luggage
€0.77 call