This information is specific to Italy, as your app locates you there. To view the policy for another country, visit our Help Centre in your browser.
If the final cost is higher than expected, this may be due to several reasons:
Taximeter fare
Taxi fares are calculated by the car's taximeter in real time. The price shown on the app is just an estimate of the cost. The final fare may sometimes be higher than the estimated one due to unforeseen circumstances such as traffic, roadblocks, weather conditions, accidents, etc.
Find out how the fare is calculated here.
Early vehicle drop-off
If you had to drop off the vehicle before reaching the final destination and were unable to modify it on the app, contact us via the app and select the associated trip. Our support team will review your case and proceed with the necessary refund/adjustment.
Additional costs
Additional costs may have been applied. These costs are always transparently indicated in the fare table before booking the trip and on the invoice.
Temporary hold
You may have seen a temporary hold on your bank account, which is applied when your booking is accepted. This is not a payment, but an authorization of your payment method to ensure coverage of the potential service cost. For detailed information, visit our Temporary Holds and Pending Transactions.