If you are having trouble with your company payment method, it's possible the card has expired and needs to be updated. You may only need to update the card's expiration date and CVV number.
For safety reasons, you cannot amend the details. You must delete the old card and enter the new card details.
Simply follow the next steps:
- Go to the ‘Settings’ tab in the left-hand column of the Admin Panel
- Select 'Payment'
- Click on the rubbish bin button next to the credit card information for its deletion
- Enter the new card details via the ‘Add a credit card’ button
After having done all these steps, if the issues still persist, please provide to our Support Team with screenshots or videos of the incident. We will solve it as soon as possible.
American Express
If the company payment method selected is American Express, please contact our Support Team. We will solve it as soon as possible.