All FREENOW Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) drivers are self-employed and carefully selected via a thorough application process. The application process varies from country to country and even city to city, as local governing bodies have different licensing processes.
For someone to become a PHV driver in London, they must apply for a Private Hire Drivers' license as well as a Private Hire Vehicle license from the Transport for London (TfL). There are many requirements they must meet to become eligible for that. In addition to this, TfL also carries out extensive background checks before granting a license.
When a PHV driver wants to join the FREENOW platform, we carry out additional checks as well as meet everyone face-to-face and ensure we give them a thorough induction to FREENOW before they’re able to join the platform.
We have a dedicated Quality of Service team that monitors the performance of FREENOW drivers once they’re onboarded, with a focus on actioning any feedback or comments received from the passengers. We aim to provide the best possible service, working closely with the drivers to give them the support and knowledge they need.